The static website is simple website design which is cost effective and beneficial for the small enterprises or individual to expand their business through web. Through static website individuals or small business houses can place simple information regarding their company and products in simple manner and at low cost. This type of website is very useful for expanding market of company with its information and appearance on Internet.



A static website is just you write your material in any word processor and upload it as an .html or .htm web page. Static websites are simple in character and can be link easily together. There are many websites that provide free static templates for creating static website. According to your company's need you can choose among templates and place your content accordingly.


The static website is the best and most simplest way of establishing your global corporate identity on World Wide Web. With the help of static templates you can make your sites online quickly. The only consideration you have to take is to have basic knowledge of hypertext markup language (HTML). The static templates use either tables or CSS (cascading style sheet) for positioning contents. The CSS style remains the preferred choice. CSS allow users to develop cleaner format with less code in the actual page itself.


A static website is perfect for individuals, businesses or companies that have a message that change slowly. In static website users can quickly and easily put contents and images without having much experience. The static website is ideal for demonstrating how your website will look on Internet. Cache friendly copy of website can be shown to many people.


Through Static websites you can showcase products, services and information in an effective way. It is most cost effective in online product advertising. A static website is quite suitable where updating the products or services is not required. Static web designs are ideal for downloading images, brochures etc. Static websites are browser friendly and easy to navigate.


Advantage of Static Website :

There are a number of advantages of the static websites :

Static pages are designed solely in HTML (HyperText Markup Language), which defines the framework in which the content will be viewed.


•             All web hosts support the use of HTML.

•             Pages will produce identical output whenever and wherever they are loaded

•             Static content is extremely easy to test in the development stages, helping prevent errors.

•             Static websites are search engine friendly. Static pages get catched faster than dynamic websites.

•             Cheaper in the comparison of dynamic website design

•             Easy navigation for search engines

•             Quick to download images, brochures even on lower bandwidths

•             Each and every page of the website is editable but the certain knowledge is required

•             Can see the preview before adding on live

•             Can change the layout of web page when desired

•             Direct control over content

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